ABOUT THE SCHOLARSHIPS The scholarships are open to the private and public sectors. Priority is given to fields of study that assist development goals. From time to time the governments of Australia and Indonesia review these criteria and adjust the emphasis of the program. The broad areas of agreed priority are Development Administration, Management and Business Development, Governance, Social and Human Development, Education and Training Agriculture, Engineering and Science. Keeping in mind these priorities, Australia and Indonesia remain responsive to development needs. For example in 1999 in response to Indonesia's economic crisis, sixty scholarships were set aside for disciplines relating to Indonesia's economic reform program such as finance, accounting, economics, law and business. Merit and equity are paramount. Equal numbers of awards are given to men and women and a fixed proportion is set aside for the Eastern province in line with Australia's special interest in that part of Indonesia. SCHOLARSHIP ENTITLEMENTS : The Beasiswa pemerintah Australia (ADS) ini bersifat penuh. FEES Payment of academic and other compulsory fees for international students EDITORIAL / TUTORIAL ASSISTANCE Where essential, to assist awardees to pass course subjects FARES Payment of one return economy airfare from Jakarta or Denpasar to the major airport nearest the Australian university OVERSEAS FIELDWORK Where research comprises at least 50 percent of the program, a scholarship holder may receive a return airfare to Indonesia to undertake essential fieldwork ESTABLISHMENT ALLOWANCE A once only payment at the commencement of the scholarship in Australia FAMILY ENTRY Families (spouse and children) may come to Australia at their own cost if families meet AusAID and immigration requirements LIVING ALLOWANCE To be paid at either the unaccompanied rate depending on the status of any accompanying immediate family. The size of the accompanied rate does not vary with the family size HEALTH COVER For the scholarship holder and his or her immediate accompanying family ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING For academic purposes is provided as part of the scholarship and is compulsory WHO SHOULD APPLY ? ADS is open to individuals from the public and private sectors. Candidate must apply for a course that falls within the stated priority areas. Masters candidates must already hold an undergraduate degree and Doctorate candidates must hold a Master. Candidates for Doctorate Degrees must be planners, researchers or lecturers
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